First Day Hike 2021
Parking in the lot, I was the only vehicle, which is not often the case here. Maverick and I got dressed, him in a harness, me in a hip belt for hands-free hiking, and my old North Face Recon pack, and set off. Immediately the trail became sloppy and slick. The initial uphill was gravelly, so not too bad. The mud wasn't deep, but was slippery. I was immediately reminded how trail miles differ from road miles. The short, 1.5 mile loop kicked my butt. Near the end there is normally a small trickle of water. It was now several feet wide, and loudly rushing. My feet got a little wet, but nothing too bad. All in all it was a quiet, successful first day in the new year; and my 4 legged partner was happy to be out and about as well.
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